Where's My Refund?

Use this tool to check your refund. Your refund status will appear around:

Check your refund

Information is updated once a day, overnight.

What you need

Find your tax information in your online account or get a copy (transcript) of your tax records.

To check an amended return, visit Where's My Amended Return?

Using a mobile device?

How it works

Where's My Refund shows your refund status:

Before you file a second tax return

Filing the same tax return again typically won't speed up your refund and could cause delays.

You should resubmit your tax return, electronically if possible, only if all of these apply:

When to call us

Call us about your refund status only if Where's My Refund recommends you contact us.

If your refund is delayed

Your refund may be delayed if your return needs corrections or extra review. If we need more information to process your return, we'll send you a letter.