ENERGY STAR Certification for Buildings

Did you know that your building can earn ENERGY STAR certification, just like a refrigerator?

Certified Buildings Save

ENERGY STAR certified buildings save energy, save money, and help protect the environment by generating fewer greenhouse gas emissions than typical buildings. To be certified as ENERGY STAR, a building must meet strict energy performance standards set by EPA.

Specifically, to be eligible for ENERGY STAR certification, a building must earn an ENERGY STAR score of 75 or higher on EPA’s 1 – 100 scale, indicating that it performs better than at least 75 percent of similar buildings nationwide. This 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR score is based on the actual, measured energy use of a building and is calculated within EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool. The score accounts for differences in operating conditions, regional weather data, and other important considerations. Learn more about how the 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR score is calculated.

Certification Is Annual and Verified by a Third-Party

Certification is given on an annual basis, so a building must maintain its high performance to be certified year to year. And the information submitted in the certification application must be verified by a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) or Registered Architect (RA) to be eligible for approval.

Do you own or manage an industrial plant? Learn more about ENERGY STAR certification for plants.


Use our online locator tool to find ENERGY STAR certified buildings across the country.


Compared with its peers, an ENERGY STAR certified office building:


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