
Kanna (0) [ ]

Passive Blessing of the Five Elements
Master Level 1
Description Kanna is a Spirit Walker blessed by the 5 elements, which bestow supernatural insight.
As the recipient of such a blessing, Kanna's Spirit Walker skills are strengthened as opposing threats are weakened and as Kanna continues to train.
Level 1 Permanently increases HP by 15%, Damage from enemies: - 20%
+HP while +MP item is equipped
+1 Magic Attack for every 700 HP
[ Magic Attack Increase: #dam ]
Active Haku the Familiar
Master Level 1
Description Accompanying you is Haku, a mysterious creature handed down to you from your teacher. It may be a bit rude to keep a shikigami permanently summoned, but thanks to that, you've always got a friend by your side. Double-click to hide Haku from others.
Level 1 The mystical creature Haku follows you around everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
Cooldown: 10 sec
Passive Manaflow
Master Level 1
Description Kanna, unlike other Spirit Walkers, draws in Mana as naturally as breathing, allowing for rapid recovery and frequent use of magic.
Level 1 When Mana is not full, automatically recovers 50 every 6 seconds until full.
Fan Weapon Mastery: +40%.
Passive Elementalism
Master Level 2
Description Deepens your connection to the elements to provide a permanent damage increase.
Level 1 Permanent Damage Increase: 5%
2 Permanent Damage Increase: 10%
Active Return of the Five Planets
Master Level 1
Description Return to Momijigaoka
Level 1 Returns you to Momijigaoka upon use.
Cooldown 600 sec
Active Hero's Echo
Master Level 1
Description [Master Level: 1]
Increases the Attack Power and Magic ATT of all nearby characters.
Cooldown: 2 hrs
Level 1 MP Cost: 30, Attack Power and Magic ATT: +4%, Duration: 40 min

Kanna (I) [ ]

Passive Geomancy
Master Level 1
Description Sense and tap into the invisible flow of spiritual power through the forms of natural objects and the harmony of the energy around you.
(The number of discovered Mana Veins will be displayed in the buff window.)
Also increases Knockback Resistance permanently.
Level 1 Permanently gain Insight Lv. 30 and increase Knockback Resistance by 30%.
Every 5 sec , Kanna will discover a Mana Vein in the area when one of the skills below is used.
[1st-4th Skills] Shikigami Haunting 3rd Hit
[2nd Skills] Exorcist's Charm, Shikigami Charm
[4th Skill] Falling Sakura
The spiritual energy of nature flows within the Mana Vein, allowing Kanna's Mana to recover even more quickly This effect stacks with MP recovery from other skills. Up to 3 Mana Veins can be active at one time.
Passive Haku the Familiar 2
Master Level 1
Description Traveling with the mystical creature Haku brings swiftness and good fortune.
Level 1 Permanently increases Speed by 20 and Luck by 30
Depending on the amount of Potential and Bonus Potential INT, STR, DEX, and LUK of the Fan that Haku has equipped, Kanna's stats will also increase.
Active Shikigami Haunting
Master Level 20
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Use your power as a Spirit Walker to attack enemies in front of you. Attacks can be linked up to the 3rd hit, and do not consume Mana.
Lv. 20+ required to learn the 2nd Job Advancement skill Shikigami Haunting 2
Level 1 [1st Hit]: Damage: 74%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2
[2nd Hit]: Damage: 74%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2
[3rd Hit]: Damage: 85%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2
20 [1st Hit]: Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2
[2nd Hit]: Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2
[3rd Hit]: Damage: 180%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2
Passive Spiritual Enlightenment
Master Level 10
Description Gain understanding of the natural order of the spirit world to bolster the strength of mind and body.
Level 1 Permanently increases INT by 4 and Defense by 40 .
10 Permanently increases INT by 40 and Defense by 400 .
Active Mana Warp
Master Level 15
Description Use your power as a Spirit Walker to teleport to a location of your choice via the currents of Mana.
If used while standing still, you will immediately teleport to a nearby Mana Vein that you've discovered. If used in a town, where the flow of Mana is murkier, you will be teleported to a random location.
This skill consumes Mana only when used in town.
Level 1 [Normal Teleport] Press a directional key and the skill key together to teleport a horizontal distance of 160 or a vertical distance of 260.
[Mana Vein Teleport] Press the skill key when a Mana Vein is discovered and you'll immediately jump to one of the discovered Mana Veins
[Random Teleport] Press the skill key in town to teleport to a random location. Mana Cost: 20
15 [Normal Teleport] Press a directional key and the skill key together to teleport a horizontal distance of 300 or a vertical distance of 400.
[Mana Vein Teleport] Press the skill key when a Mana Vein is discovered and you'll immediately jump to one of the discovered Mana Veins
[Random Teleport] Press the skill key in town to teleport to a random location. Mana Cost: 20
Active Ghost Yaksha Trainee
Master Level 20
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Summon the Ghost Yaksha Trainee and command it to attack and push back enemies.
Lv. 20+ required to learn the 2nd Job Advancement skill 'Ghost Yaksha Brother'
Level 1 Mana Cost: 30 , Duration: 30 sec . Summons the Ghost Yaksha Shikigami.
While summoned, the Ghost Yaksha repeatedly attacks up to 6 enemies for 82% damage 4 times .
Use the skill again while the Ghost Yaksha is summoned to instantly dismiss it, pulling in nearby enemies to be hit for 160% damage#.
Cooldown: 3 sec
20 Mana Cost: 30 , Duration: 30 sec . Summons the Ghost Yaksha Shikigami.
While summoned, the Ghost Yaksha repeatedly attacks up to 6 enemies for 120% damage 4 times .
Use the skill again while the Ghost Yaksha is summoned to instantly dismiss it, pulling in nearby enemies to be hit for 350% damage#.
Cooldown: 3 sec

Kanna (II) [ ]

Passive Shikigami Haunting 2
Master Level 20
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
In-depth study has enhanced your Shikigami Haunting. Increases the attack power of Shikigami Haunting and the number of enemies hit. Has a chance of tossing a devil-destroying talisman to burn enemies and slow them down.
Required Skill: Shikigami Haunting Lv. 20
Lv. 20 required to learn the 3rd Job Advancement skill 'Shikigami Haunting 3'
Level 1 [1st Hit]: Damage: 151%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2
[2nd Hit]: Damage: 151%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2
[3rd Hit]: Damage: 181.5%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2
[Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 21%. Duration: 3 sec, Speed Reduced by 60%, Damage: 67% per sec
20 [1st Hit]: Damage: 170%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2
[2nd Hit]: Damage: 170%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2
[3rd Hit]: Damage: 210%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2
[Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 40%. Duration: 6 sec, Speed Reduced by 60%, Damage: 105% per sec

Active Haku Reborn
Master Level 10
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Haku takes human form to fight by Kanna's side using Spirit Walker skills.
Lv. 10 required to learn the 4th Job Advancement skill 'Haku Perfected'
Level 1 Mana Cost: 50, Transformation Duration: 120 sec. Cooldown: 5 sec

Active Exorcist's Charm
Master Level 15
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Use your power as a Spirit Walker to draw a large protective charm, attacking enemies and purging the area by calling forth a dark cloud that sears evil beings.
Level 1 MP Cost: 40 . Summons a dark cloud. Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 294%, Attack Count: 6 , Duration: 3 sec . When enemies come in contact with the cloud, they receive 144% damage every 1 sec for 1 sec.
Cooldown: 3 sec
15 MP Cost: 40 . Summons a dark cloud. Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 350%, Attack Count: 6 , Duration: 3 sec . When enemies come in contact with the cloud, they receive 200% damage every 1 sec for 1 sec.
Cooldown: 3 sec
Passive Ghost Yaksha Brother
Master Level 20
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Summon the dependable Ghost Yaksha Brother and command it to attack and push back enemies.
Required Skill: Ghost Yaksha Trainee Lv. 20
Lv. 20+ required to learn the 3rd Job Advancement skill 'Ghost Yaksha Lieutenant'
Level 1 Mana Cost: 30 , Duration: 30 sec . Summons the Ghost Yaksha Shikigami.
While summoned, the Ghost Yaksha repeatedly attacks up to 8 enemies for 112% damage 4 times .
Use the skill again while the Ghost Yaksha is summoned to instantly dismiss it, pulling in nearby enemies to be hit for 160% damage#.
Cooldown: 3 sec
20 Mana Cost: 30 , Duration: 30 sec . Summons the Ghost Yaksha Shikigami.
While summoned, the Ghost Yaksha repeatedly attacks up to 8 enemies for 150% damage 4 times .
Use the skill again while the Ghost Yaksha is summoned to instantly dismiss it, pulling in nearby enemies to be hit for 350% damage#.
Cooldown: 3 sec
Active Shikigami Charm
Master Level 15
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Use your power as a Spirit Walker to focus Mana around your feet, flinging you backward and leaving behind a vortex. (You can use the directional keys to make slight adjustments to the direction you fly.)
Level 1 Mana Cost: 25, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 152%, Attack Count: 4. Creates a vortex to attack enemies and flings you back approximately 1,300 pixels.
Cooldown: 6 sec
15 Mana Cost: 25, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 180%, Attack Count: 4. Creates a vortex to attack enemies and flings you back approximately 1,300 pixels.
Cooldown: 6 sec
Active Radiant Peacock
Master Level 10
Description Brandish your fan in such a way that it resembles a peacock with its tailfeathers spread wide, increasing the attack speed of the fan by 2 levels.
Level 1 Increases the Attack Speed by 2 levels for 60 sec .
10 Increases the Attack Speed by 2 levels for 240 sec .
Passive Soul Bomb
Master Level 5
Description When your target is defeated, its soul explodes, dealing additional damage to nearby enemies.
Level 1 Hits enemies within a 150-pixel range of the defeated enemy. Max Enemies Hit: 4 , Damage: 80%
5 Hits enemies within a 150-pixel range of the defeated enemy. Max Enemies Hit: 4 , Damage: 120%

Kanna (III) [ ]

Passive Warding Barrier
Master Level 1
Description Sacrifice 4 of your Mana recovery speed to create a powerful barrier in the field. You can create up to 3 barriers at the same time. If you create another while the maximum are on the field, the oldest barrier will disappear.
(The number of barriers deployed will be displayed in the buff window.)
Level 1 [Max Barriers Simultaneously Deployable]: 3
[Mana Recovery Reduction Per Barrier]: 4
Active Blossom Barrier
Master Level 10
Description [Barrier]
Use your power as a Spirit Walker to create a Blossom Barrier, protecting yourself and members of your party. The barrier reduces damage from enemies' attacks by 60%, while also increasing Status Resistance by 30.
When used on a Mana Vein, the barrier will absorb the vein's energy to enhance the barrier, as well as restore additional Mana for yourself while you stand within it.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 20, Duration: 100 sec. , Damage Reduction: 33% , Status Resistance: + 3
Cooldown: 100 sec.
10 Mana Cost: 20, Duration: 100 sec. , Damage Reduction: 60% , Status Resistance: + 30
Cooldown: 100 sec.
Passive Shikigami Haunting 3
Master Level 20
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Channels Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, to enhance Shikigami Haunting. Shikigami Haunting will have increased Attack Power, hit more times, and cover a wider range.
Required Skill: Shikigami Haunting 2 Lv. 20
Lv. 20 required to learn the 4th Job Advancement skill 'Shikigami Haunting 4'
Level 1 [1st Hit]: Damage: 181%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4
[2nd Hit]: Damage: 181%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4
[3rd Hit]: Damage: 212%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4
[Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 41%. Duration: 6 sec, Speed Reduced by 75%, Damage: 122% per sec
20 [1st Hit]: Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4
[2nd Hit]: Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4
[3rd Hit]: Damage: 250%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4
[Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 60%. Duration: 6 sec, Speed Reduced by 75%, Damage: 160% per sec
Passive Yosuzume
Master Level 15
Description Upon landing successful attacks with Spirit Walker skills, Shikigami Charms inside Kanna's sleeves will fly out and attack in concert.
Level 1 Each successful attack by Kanna has a 42% chance to summon Shikigami Charms, depending on the number of mobs hit. Shikigami Charms fly to nearby enemies, dealing 111% damage and leaving a mark that adds 5% to damage received from Kanna's attacks for 5 sec.
15 Each successful attack by Kanna has a 70% chance to summon Shikigami Charms, depending on the number of mobs hit. Shikigami Charms fly to nearby enemies, dealing 195% damage and leaving a mark that adds 5% to damage received from Kanna's attacks for 5 sec.
Passive Spirit Path
Master Level 10
Description Hone your skills as a Spirit Walker, enhancing your power to subdue unclean beings.
Level 1 Magic ATT: +3, Critical Rate: +7%, Critical Damage: +11%
10 Magic ATT: +30, Critical Rate: +25%, Critical Damage: +20%
Passive Lifeblood Ritual
Master Level 5
Description Gain knowledge of a secret art that allows one to steal vitality from unclean souls while strengthening the body.
Level 1 Restores 1% of Max HP for each enemy defeated. When attacking a boss enemy, restores 1% of Max HP every 4 sec.
Permanently increases Status Resistance by 6%.
5 Restores 5% of Max HP for each enemy defeated. When attacking a boss enemy, restores 1% of Max HP every 4 sec.
Permanently increases Status Resistance by 30%.
Active Tengu Strike
Master Level 20
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Summons twin Tengu to simultaneously attack enemies to the right and left.
Use the skill again while the Tengu are summoned to have them return to Kanna and attack again with a 100% critical.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 20. Summons the twin Tengu.
The Tengu will venture out as far as 600 to the left and right of Kanna, and attack up to 15 enemies for 343% damage 5 times.
Cooldown: 1 sec
20 Mana Cost: 20. Summons the twin Tengu.
The Tengu will venture out as far as 600 to the left and right of Kanna, and attack up to 15 enemies for 400% damage 5 times.
Cooldown: 1 sec
Passive Ghost Yaksha Lieutenant
Master Level 20
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Summon the powerful Ghost Yaksha Lieutenant and command it to attack and push back enemies.
Required Skill: Ghost Yaksha Brother Lv. 20
Lv. 20+ required to learn the 4th Job Advancement skill 'Ghost Yaksha Boss'
Level 1 Mana Cost: 30 , Duration: 30 sec . Summons the Ghost Yaksha Shikigami.
While summoned, the Ghost Yaksha repeatedly attacks up to 10 enemies for 162% damage 4 times .
Use the skill again while the Ghost Yaksha is summoned to instantly dismiss it, pulling in nearby enemies to be hit for 362% damage#.
Cooldown: 3 sec
20 Mana Cost: 30 , Duration: 30 sec . Summons the Ghost Yaksha Shikigami.
While summoned, the Ghost Yaksha repeatedly attacks up to 10 enemies for 200% damage 4 times .
Use the skill again while the Ghost Yaksha is summoned to instantly dismiss it, pulling in nearby enemies to be hit for 400% damage#.
Cooldown: 3 sec

Active Kishin Shoukan
Master Level 20
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Calls forth the demons Hana and Yuki, who attack any enemies trapped between them. Permanently gain 10% more EXP.

Active Mana Balance
Master Level 5
Description Converts some of your vitality into positive and negatively charged energies, immediately recovering some of your Mana.
Level 1 Uses 48% of Max HP to immediately recover 80 Mana .
Cooldown: 15 sec
5 Uses 0% of Max HP to immediately recover 80 Mana .
Cooldown: 15 sec

Kanna (IV) [ ]

Passive Haku Perfected
Master Level 10
Description Liberate Haku's Mana, upgrading Haku Reborn to Haku Reborn 2 . With his powers unfettered, Haku can take human form longer and use even more powerful Spirit Walker skills.
Required Skill: Haku Reborn Lv. 10
Level 1 Mana Cost: 50, Transformation Duration: 320 sec. Cooldown: 5 sec

Active Bellflower Barrier
Master Level 20
Description [Barrier]
Use your power as a Spirit Walker to create a Bellflower Barrier, strengthening yourself and your party members. Inside the Bellflower Barrier, Damage is increased by 20% and Boss Damage is increased by 5%.
When used on a Mana Vein, the barrier will absorb the vein's energy to enhance the barrier, as well as restore additional Mana for yourself while you stand within it.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 20, Duration: 100 sec, Damage: +1%, Boss Damage: +5%
Cooldown: 180 sec
20 Mana Cost: 20, Duration: 100 sec, Damage: +20%, Boss Damage: +5%
Cooldown: 180 sec
Passive Shikigami Haunting 4
Master Level 20
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Steadfast training has yielded true mastery of Shikigami Haunting, empowering the skill to its full might. Increases the attack power of Shikigami Haunting, as well as its range and the number of enemies hit.
Required Skill: Shikigami Haunting 3 Lv. 20
If the 5th Job Advancement skill 'Liberated Spirit Circle' has been learned, it will be automatically activated if not on cooldown.
Level 1 [1st Hit]: Damage: 212%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4
[2nd Hit]: Damage: 243%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4
[3rd Hit]: Damage: 305%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4, Mana Restored: 5, amount needed to activate Shikigami Doppelganger additionally increased by 5.
[Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 62%. Duration: 6 sec, Speed Reduced by 90%, Damage: 183% per sec
20 [1st Hit]: Damage: 250%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4
[2nd Hit]: Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4
[3rd Hit]: Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4, Mana Restored: 5, amount needed to activate Shikigami Doppelganger additionally increased by 5.
[Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 100%. Duration: 6 sec, Speed Reduced by 90%, Damage: 240% per sec
Active Shikigami Doppelganger
Master Level 20
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Create a large paper shikigami that looks just like Kanna. The Shikigami Charm receives a share of Kanna's Mana each time Mana is consumed, and once enough Mana has been accumulated, it will burn, damaging nearby enemies.
Can be toggled On/Off .
Level 1 When activated, begins to accumulate Mana each time Kanna consumes Mana. Once charged with 298 Mana, this skill activates an attack that damages up to 8 enemies near Kanna, for 328% damage on each of 15 hits, 2 time(s).
Cooldown: 5 sec.
20 When activated, begins to accumulate Mana each time Kanna consumes Mana. Once charged with 260 Mana, this skill activates an attack that damages up to 8 enemies near Kanna, for 480% damage on each of 15 hits, 2 time(s).
Cooldown: 5 sec.
Active Nine-Tailed Fury
Master Level 10
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Unleash Haku's power to attack all enemies in sight. Haku applies a damage increase buff after the attack, and reacts to Kanna's attacks to launch his own attacks.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 60, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 450%, Attack Count: 9, Duration: 123 sec, Damage Increase: 20%.
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect: When attacking while Nine-Tailed Fury is on cooldown, Haku attacks up to 6 enemies in front of him for 132% damage 3 times, at a 51% chance]
10 Mana Cost: 60, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 540%, Attack Count: 9, Duration: 150 sec, Damage Increase: 20%.
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect: When attacking while Nine-Tailed Fury is on cooldown, Haku attacks up to 6 enemies in front of him for 150% damage 3 times, at a 60% chance]
Passive Ghost Yaksha Boss
Master Level 20
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Summons the mighty Ghost Yaksha Boss and command it to attack and push back enemies
Required Skill: Ghost Yaksha Lieutenant Lv. 20
Level 1 Mana Cost: 40 , Duration: 30 sec . Summons the Ghost Yaksha Shikigami.
While summoned, the Ghost Yaksha repeatedly attacks up to 10 enemies for 202% damage 4 times .
Use the skill again while the Ghost Yaksha is summoned to instantly dismiss it, pulling in nearby enemies to be hit for 405% damage#.
Cooldown: 3 sec
20 Mana Cost: 40 , Duration: 30 sec . Summons the Ghost Yaksha Shikigami.
While summoned, the Ghost Yaksha repeatedly attacks up to 10 enemies for 240% damage 4 times .
Use the skill again while the Ghost Yaksha is summoned to instantly dismiss it, pulling in nearby enemies to be hit for 500% damage#.
Cooldown: 3 sec
Passive Kasen
Master Level 30
Description Increases the Mastery and Damage of fans.
Level 1 Fan Mastery: 56%, Damage: +1%
30 Fan Mastery: 70%, Damage: +30%
Passive Nightghost Guide
Master Level 10
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Grants the chance to invoke a spirit when attacking that deals damage to enemies and curses them. Enemies cursed by the spirit yield additional EXP and have a greater chance of dropping higher quality equipment upon defeat. Also increases Knockback Resistance permanently.
Required Skill: Kishin Shoukan Lv. 20
Level 1 Attack Chance: 30%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 151%, Attack Count: 1. Attacked Targets have a 30% chance to yield 21% additional EXP for 5 sec., and any equipment they drop has an increased chance of potential. Also, when this effect is activated, the installed Kishin Shoukan's duration is increased by 5 sec.
[Passive Effect: Kishin Shoukan Damage: +110% points, Knockback Resistance: +25%]
10 Attack Chance: 30%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 160%, Attack Count: 1. Attacked Targets have a 30% chance to yield 30% additional EXP for 5 sec., and any equipment they drop has an increased chance of potential. Also, when this effect is activated, the installed Kishin Shoukan's duration is increased by 5 sec.
[Passive Effect: Kishin Shoukan Damage: +200% points, Knockback Resistance: +70%]
Active Orochi Unbound
Master Level 10
Description Temporarily release the sealed shikigami, Orochi, to immolate enemies in a wide area with its mighty power.
Can also be used while in the air. Knockback Resistance is automatically set to 100% while casting.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 50, Max Enemies hit: 15 , Damage: 303% , Attack Count: 8 . Hold the key down for up to approx. 4 sec to use 5 Mana per sec. Max Enemies Hit: 15 , Damage: 410% , Attack Count: 8 .
Cooldown: 90 sec
10 Mana Cost: 50, Max Enemies hit: 15 , Damage: 375% , Attack Count: 8 . Hold the key down for up to approx. 4 sec to use 5 Mana per sec. Max Enemies Hit: 15 , Damage: 500% , Attack Count: 8 .
Cooldown: 90 sec

Active Vanquisher's Charm
Master Level 30
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Blast the enemy with evil-destroying charms. Hold down the skill key for a rapid-fire attack.
If the 5th Job Advancement skill 'Liberated Spirit Circle' has been learned, it will be automatically activated if not on cooldown.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 25, Max Duration: 10 sec, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 243%, Number of Consecutive Attacks: 5
You can move and jump while holding down the skill key.

Active Falling Sakura
Master Level 20
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Call forth a sakura tree to slam down in front of you. Enemies around the tree will suffer multiple hits while you and your party members recover HP.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 60, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 767%, Number of Attacks: 5
24% of max HP recovered for yourself and nearby party members.
Cooldown: 40 sec
20 Mana Cost: 60, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 900%, Number of Attacks: 5
100% of max HP recovered for yourself and nearby party members.
Cooldown: 20 sec
Active Binding Tempest
Master Level 20
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Throw a charm imbued with the power to seal demons at the enemies before you, temporarily turning them to stone and stunning them in place.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 40, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 231%, Attack Count: 8, Stun Duration: 10 sec.
Depending on the amount of damage dealt to enemies with Binding Tempest, the Stun Duration can be increased to up to 100%
Cooldown: 177 sec
20 Mana Cost: 40, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 250%, Attack Count: 8, Stun Duration: 10 sec.
Depending on the amount of damage dealt to enemies with Binding Tempest, the Stun Duration can be increased to up to 100%
Cooldown: 120 sec
Active Akatsuki Warrior
Master Level 30
Description Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, President's Orders, Rhinne's Protection, or Akatsuki Warrior.
Level 1 Increases all stats assigned APs by 1% for 30 sec
30 Increases all stats assigned APs by 15% for 900 sec
Active Hero's Will
Master Level 5
Description Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to most abnormal status effects for 3 sec after use. Certain abnormal status effects will still get through.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 5, Cooldown: 540 sec
5 Mana Cost: 5, Cooldown: 300 sec

Hyper Skills [ ]

Passive Vanquisher's Charm - Extra Strike
Level Requirement 140
Master Level 1
Description Increases the number of attacks for Vanquisher's Charm.
Level 1 Number of Attacks: +2
Passive Geomancy - Spread
Level Requirement 140
Master Level 1
Description Increases the maximum number of Mana Veins that can be concurrently active.
Level 1 Maximum number of Mana Veins that can be concurrently active increased by 1.
Passive Vanquisher's Charm - Spread
Level Requirement 150
Master Level 1
Description Increases the maximum number of monsters hit by Vanquisher's Charm.
Level 1 Max Enemies Hit: +2
Passive Bellflower Barrier - Boss Rush
Level Requirement 150
Master Level 1
Description Gain additional Attack Power against Boss Monsters while inside a Bellflower Barrier.
Level 1 Boss Damage +20%
Passive Blossom Barrier - Cooldown Cutter
Level Requirement 165
Master Level 1
Description Reduces the cooldown of Blossom Barrier.
Level 1 Cooldown: -90%
Passive Bellflower Barrier - Cooldown Cutter
Level Requirement 165
Master Level 1
Description Reduces the cooldown of Bellflower Barrier.
Level 1 Cooldown: -80%
Passive Vanquisher's Charm - Reinforce
Level Requirement 180
Master Level 1
Description Increases the damage of Vanquisher's Charm.
Level 1 Damage: +20%
Passive Geomancy - Persist
Level Requirement 180
Master Level 1
Description Discovered Mana Veins are maintained longer.
Level 1 Duration: +5 sec
Passive Bellflower Barrier - Persist
Level Requirement 190
Master Level 1
Description Increases the duration of Bellflower Barrier.
Level 1 Duration: +20 sec
Active Circle of Suppression
Level Requirement 140
Master Level 1
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Creates a barrier that blocks and weakens evil beings around you.
(The barrier will automatically dissipate if you stand idle or hang on a rope for over a certain amount of time.)
Level 1 When activated, uses 30 Mana to deal 500% damage to 15 nearby enemies at set intervals 1 times.
Negates attack ignore and attack reflection effects.
Active Veritable Pandemonium
Level Requirement 160
Master Level 1
Description [Spirit Walker Skill]
Unleashes the powers of the Ghost Yaksha Boss to wreak destruction and beat all unclean beings in the vicinity into submission, stunning them.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 50, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 670%, Attack Count: 15, Stun Duration: 15 sec.
Depending on the amount of damage dealt to enemies with Veritable Pandemonium, Stun Duration increased to up to 100%
Cooldown: 120 sec
Active Princess's Vow
Level Requirement 190
Master Level 1
Description Recall the oath you swore to Princess Sakuno, granting you courage.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 50, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%.
Only applies to Sengoku Warrior classes within the party.
Cooldown: 120 sec

V Skills [ ]

Shared Skills [ ]

Active Rope Lift
Master Level 25
Description Fires a grappling hook to a platform above you to ascend quickly.
Level 1 Press the skill key while you're climbing to cancel.
Cooldown: 3 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +1]
25 Press the skill key while you're climbing to cancel.
Cooldown: 3 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +25]
30 Press the skill key while you're climbing to cancel.
Cooldown: 3 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +30]
Active Decent Mystic Door
Master Level 25
Description Creates a portal that leads to the nearest town. You (and only you) can use it multiple times until it disappears. Press Up to use it.
Level 1 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Consumes 2 Magic Rocks, Portal Duration: 32 sec
Cooldown: 130 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +1]
25 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Consumes 2 Magic Rocks, Portal Duration: 80 sec
Cooldown: 130 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +5]
30 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Consumes 2 Magic Rocks, Portal Duration: 90 sec
Cooldown: 130 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +6]
Active Decent Sharp Eyes
Master Level 25
Description Allows you to locate an enemy's weak spot to inflict lethal damage against them. Does not stack with Sharp Eyes.
Level 1 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 183 sec, Critical Rate: +10%, Critical Damage: +8%
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +1]
25 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 255 sec, Critical Rate: +10%, Critical Damage: +8%
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +5]
30 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 270 sec, Critical Rate: +10%, Critical Damage: +8%
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +6]
Active Decent Hyper Body
Master Level 25
Description Increases Max HP and Max MP. Does not stack with Hyper Body.
Level 1 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 183 sec, Max HP: +40%, Max MP: +40%
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +1]
25 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 255 sec, Max HP: +40%, Max MP: +40%
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +5]
30 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 270 sec, Max HP: +40%, Max MP: +40%
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +6]
Active Decent Combat Orders
Master Level 25
Description Temporarily increases all of your skill levels. Only 4th Job Skills can be increased beyond master level while other skills can only be increased to master level.
Exceptions: Some special skills, Beginner Skills, Combat Orders, Decent Combat Orders, Hyper Skills, and 5th Job Skills cannot be increased.
Does not stack with Combat Orders.
Level 1 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 183 sec, All Skills: +1
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - Abnormal Status Resistance: +1]
25 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 255 sec, All Skills: +1
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - Abnormal Status Resistance: +5]
30 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 270 sec, All Skills: +1
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - Abnormal Status Resistance: +6]
Active Decent Advanced Blessing
Master Level 25
Description Greatly increases your ATT, Magic ATT, DEF, Max HP, and Max MP. Can be stacked with other buff skills, except Bless and Advanced Blessing.
Level 1 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Attack Power: +20, Magic ATT: +20, DEF: +425, Max HP: +475, Max MP: +475, Duration: 183 sec
Cooldown: 180 sec
25 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Attack Power: +20, Magic ATT: +20, DEF: +425, Max HP: +475, Max MP: +475, Duration: 255 sec
Cooldown: 180 sec
30 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Attack Power: +20, Magic ATT: +20, DEF: +425, Max HP: +475, Max MP: +475, Duration: 270 sec
Cooldown: 180 sec
Active Decent Speed Infusion
Master Level 25
Description Consumes HP to increase your attack speed by 1 level for a short time. Can be stacked with buffs other than Speed Infusion.
Level 1 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 183 sec, increases attack speed.
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +1]
25 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 255 sec, increases attack speed.
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +5]
30 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Duration: 270 sec, increases attack speed.
Cooldown: 180 sec
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +6]
Active Blink
Master Level 25
Description Teleport to a random location on the map. You can float and move slowly for a fixed time, instead of using Vapor Blade, by holding the key down while in mid-air.
Level 1 HP Cost: 3% of Max HP. Teleport to a random location on the map.
Float for up to 3 sec. if you hold the key in the air
Cooldown: 20 sec.
[Passive Effect - Attack Power & Magic ATT: +1]
25 HP Cost: 3% of Max HP. Teleport to a random location on the map.
Float for up to 4.6 sec. if you hold the key in the air
Cooldown: 20 sec.
[Passive Effect - Attack Power & Magic ATT: +25]
30 HP Cost: 3% of Max HP. Teleport to a random location on the map.
Float for up to 5 sec. if you hold the key in the air
Cooldown: 20 sec.
[Passive Effect - Attack Power & Magic ATT: +30]
Active Erda Nova
Master Level 25
Description Collect Erda from within yourself and from the surrounding area, then detonate it around your enemies. The Erda of attacked enemies will become disrupted, which will bind their movements. Can deal damage to enemies even when they are under Attack Ignore. Also ignores Attack Reflection.
Level 1 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP, Damage: 156%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 5, Bind Duration: 10 sec.
Bind Duration increases by up to 100% based on damage inflicted with Erda Nova.
Cooldown: 216 sec.
25 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP, Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 5, Bind Duration: 10 sec.
Bind Duration increases by up to 100% based on damage inflicted with Erda Nova.
Cooldown: 120 sec.
30 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP, Damage: 330%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 5, Bind Duration: 10 sec.
Bind Duration increases by up to 100% based on damage inflicted with Erda Nova.
Cooldown: 100 sec.
Active Will of Erda
Master Level 25
Description Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to most abnormal status effects for 3 sec after use. Certain abnormal status effects will still get through.
Level 1 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Cooldown: 475 sec
25 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Cooldown: 355 sec
30 HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Cooldown: 330 sec
Active Decent Holy Symbol
Master Level 25
Description Temporarily gain extra EXP and items when hunting monsters. Does not stack with Holy Symbol.
Level 1 HP Cost: 2530, Duration: 183 sec, EXP: +20%, Drop Rate: +14%
Cooldown: 180 sec
25 HP Cost: 3250, Duration: 255 sec, EXP: +32%, Drop Rate: +22%
Cooldown: 180 sec
30 HP Cost: 3400, Duration: 270 sec, EXP: +35%, Drop Rate: +24%
Cooldown: 180 sec
Active Erda Shower
Master Level 25
Description Fires a blast of compressed Erdas at nearby enemies.
Using the skill with the down arrow key summons Erda Fountain , which is an object filled with pure Erda.
Level 1 HP Cost: 3000
Erdas Shower
Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 465%, Number of Attacks: 6, Cooldown reduced by 2 sec per attacked enemy
Cooldown: 40 sec
Erda Fountain
Object Summon Duration: 60 sec. Every time enemies in a map with the summoned object are defeated, the Erda released from the enemies condenses around the object.
Defeating 12 or more will release the gathered Erda, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 465%, Number of Attacks: 4
Cooldown: 60 sec
Cooldown shared with Erdas Shower and Erda Fountain.
25 HP Cost: 3000
Erdas Shower
Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 825%, Number of Attacks: 6, Cooldown reduced by 2 sec per attacked enemy
Cooldown: 40 sec
Erda Fountain
Object Summon Duration: 60 sec. Every time enemies in a map with the summoned object are defeated, the Erda released from the enemies condenses around the object.
Defeating 12 or more will release the gathered Erda, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 825%, Number of Attacks: 4
Cooldown: 60 sec
Cooldown shared with Erdas Shower and Erda Fountain.
30 HP Cost: 3000
Erdas Shower
Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 900%, Number of Attacks: 6, Cooldown reduced by 2 sec per attacked enemy
Cooldown: 40 sec
Erda Fountain
Object Summon Duration: 60 sec. Every time enemies in a map with the summoned object are defeated, the Erda released from the enemies condenses around the object.
Defeating 12 or more will release the gathered Erda, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 900%, Number of Attacks: 4
Cooldown: 60 sec
Cooldown shared with Erdas Shower and Erda Fountain.
Active True Arachnid Reflection
Master Level 25
Description The collapsing space between the Mirror World and reality become linked with Will's Erda, causing the spider within the mirror to temporarily materialize in reality.
Level 1 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP
Spatial Collapse - Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 468%, Number of Attacks: 15, Once complete, summons True Arachnid Reflection.
True Arachnid Reflection - Duration: 50 sec, Goes into attack mode at set intervals. During attack mode, uses spider legs 10 times to deal 182% damage 8 times. If the spider legs attack one target 5 consecutive times, attack mode will end immediately. 3 sec cooldown after attack mode ends.
Cooldown: 250 sec
25 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP
Spatial Collapse - Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 900%, Number of Attacks: 15, Once complete, summons True Arachnid Reflection.
True Arachnid Reflection - Duration: 50 sec, Goes into attack mode at set intervals. During attack mode, uses spider legs 10 times to deal 350% damage 8 times. If the spider legs attack one target 5 consecutive times, attack mode will end immediately. 3 sec cooldown after attack mode ends.
Cooldown: 250 sec
30 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP
Spatial Collapse - Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 990%, Number of Attacks: 15, Once complete, summons True Arachnid Reflection.
True Arachnid Reflection - Duration: 50 sec, Goes into attack mode at set intervals. During attack mode, uses spider legs 10 times to deal 385% damage 8 times. If the spider legs attack one target 5 consecutive times, attack mode will end immediately. 3 sec cooldown after attack mode ends.
Cooldown: 250 sec
Active Solar Crest
Master Level 25
Description Mitra's power manifests the searing heat of the sun as a blazing inferno. The flame emblem is unaffected by attack reflection and disappears when you change maps.
Level 1 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP
Mitra's Fire : summons a Flame Emblem after dealing 780% damage up to 15 enemies 12 times.
Flame Emblem : deals 208% damage to up to 2 enemies 6 times every 2.1 sec for 51 sec. Deals 286% damage if striking a single enemy.
Cooldown: 250 sec
25 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP
Mitra's Fire : summons a Flame Emblem after dealing 1500% damage up to 15 enemies 12 times.
Flame Emblem : deals 400% damage to up to 2 enemies 6 times every 2.1 sec for 51 sec. Deals 550% damage if striking a single enemy.
Cooldown: 250 sec
30 HP Cost: 15% of Max HP
Mitra's Fire : summons a Flame Emblem after dealing 1650% damage up to 15 enemies 12 times.
Flame Emblem : deals 440% damage to up to 2 enemies 6 times every 2.1 sec for 51 sec. Deals 605% damage if striking a single enemy.
Cooldown: 250 sec
Active Sengoku Force, Assemble!
Master Level 25
Description Calls upon brave Sengoku heroes for aid, randomly summoning two. Each warrior performs a unique attack. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1 MP Cost: 1000, Consumes HP for jobs that do not utilize MP. Summons two Sengoku warriors. Summon Duration: 30 sec, Cooldown: 120 sec.
[Uesugi Kenshin] Damage: 260%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4, Ignore Defense +10%
[Tsuchimikado Haruaki] Damage: 165%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 5, Damage Taken -5%
[Ayame] Damage: 320%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4, Critical Damage +5%
[Takeda Shingen] Damage: 131%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Hits: 8, Attack Power +6, Magic ATT +6
25 MP Cost: 1000, Consumes HP for jobs that do not utilize MP. Summons two Sengoku warriors. Summon Duration: 42 sec, Cooldown: 120 sec.
[Uesugi Kenshin] Damage: 500%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4, Ignore Defense +20%
[Tsuchimikado Haruaki] Damage: 405%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 5, Damage Taken -15%
[Ayame] Damage: 560%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4, Critical Damage +15%
[Takeda Shingen] Damage: 275%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Hits: 8, Attack Power +30, Magic ATT +30
30 MP Cost: 1000, Consumes HP for jobs that do not utilize MP. Summons two Sengoku warriors. Summon Duration: 45 sec, Cooldown: 120 sec.
[Uesugi Kenshin] Damage: 550%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4, Ignore Defense +22%
[Tsuchimikado Haruaki] Damage: 455%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 5, Damage Taken -17%
[Ayame] Damage: 610%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4, Critical Damage +17%
[Takeda Shingen] Damage: 305%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Hits: 8, Attack Power +35, Magic ATT +35
Active Princess Sakuno's Blessing
Master Level 25
Description The blessing of Princess Sakuno will protect you from abnormal status effects and increase your final damage.
Level 1 HP Cost: 1000, Duration: 45 sec, Final Damage Increase: 5%
Periodical Bonus Final Damage Increase: 1%
Princess Sakuno's Blessing will increase final damage by up to 40%.
While the skill is active, 1 debilitating abnormal status attack will be ignored.
Princess Sakuno's Blessing is ready every 240 sec, and can bless up to 2 times.
25 HP Cost: 1000, Duration: 45 sec, Final Damage Increase: 13%
Periodical Bonus Final Damage Increase: 3%
Princess Sakuno's Blessing will increase final damage by up to 48%.
While the skill is active, 1 debilitating abnormal status attack will be ignored.
Princess Sakuno's Blessing is ready every 240 sec, and can bless up to 2 times.
30 HP Cost: 1000, Duration: 45 sec, Final Damage Increase: 15%
Periodical Bonus Final Damage Increase: 4%
Princess Sakuno's Blessing will increase final damage by up to 50%.
While the skill is active, 1 debilitating abnormal status attack will be ignored.
Princess Sakuno's Blessing is ready every 240 sec, and can bless up to 2 times.
Active Mana Overload
Master Level 25
Description Increases your attack skills by overloading the mana flowing through you.
Level 1 Consumes 2% Max MP to increase the Final Damage of all your skills (excluding some skills) by 5%.
Consumes 0.3% Max HP for jobs without MP.
Can be toggled on/off .
Cooldown: 59 sec
25 Consumes 2% Max MP to increase the Final Damage of all your skills (excluding some skills) by 7%.
Consumes 0.3% Max HP for jobs without MP.
Can be toggled on/off .
Cooldown: 35 sec
30 Consumes 2% Max MP to increase the Final Damage of all your skills (excluding some skills) by 8%.
Consumes 0.3% Max HP for jobs without MP.
Can be toggled on/off .
Cooldown: 30 sec
Active Ethereal Form
Master Level 25
Description Moves you to a different dimension to reduce the damage you take. Use the skill again to return. While in Ethereal Form, you cannot use other skills.
Level 1 HP Cost: 1000, Duration: 3 sec. Grants Knockback Immunity. Situations that would normally cause you to take damage instead reduce your MP by 9910. If this would reduce your MP below 0, you will instead take normal HP damage. If your job does not utilize MP, you will instead lose 2470 HP.
Cooldown: 60 sec.
25 HP Cost: 1000, Duration: 3 sec. Grants Knockback Immunity. Situations that would normally cause you to take damage instead reduce your MP by 7750. If this would reduce your MP below 0, you will instead take normal HP damage. If your job does not utilize MP, you will instead lose 1750 HP.
Cooldown: 60 sec.
30 HP Cost: 1000, Duration: 3 sec. Grants Knockback Immunity. Situations that would normally cause you to take damage instead reduce your MP by 7300. If this would reduce your MP below 0, you will instead take normal HP damage. If your job does not utilize MP, you will instead lose 1600 HP.
Cooldown: 60 sec.

Class-Specific Skills [ ]

Active Summon Yuki-musume
Master Level 25
Description Summons the Yuki-musume, a specter who wields intense cold. The Yuki-musume helps Kanna attack enemies. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 40, Yuki-musume Duration: 35 sec. Yuki-musume assists Kanna, dealing 310% damage to 8 enemies 6-8 times. When Yuki-musume is summoned, Kanna's mana consumption is reduced by 50% and 2% HP is recovered on every

attack.Cooldown: 90 sec.

attack.Cooldown: 78 sec.

attack.Cooldown: 75 sec.

Active Spirit's Domain
Master Level 25
Description Summons a Spiritstone that amplifies the abilities of you and your party. It grows more powerful as it absorbe mana. The effects of Spirit's Domain do not stack.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 40, Spiritstone Duration: 50 sec, the Cursed Spiritstone grows more powerful with every 120 mana absorbed from the caster, and activates additional effects per stage when boosting Cursed Spiritstone (can be boosted up to 2 times)
[Basic Effect] Deals 360% damage to up to 15 enemies within range 3 times every 3 sec. Periodically restores 1% of Max HP/MP, Final Damage +2%, Status Resistance +20
[Boost Stage 1 Additional Effect] Boosts Basic Effect by 2x, party members within range gain 1 Attack Speed, caster's Boss Damage +21%, and the mana cost of the caster's skills is reduced by 50%
[Boost Stage 2 Additional Effect] Boosts Basic Effect by 3x, party members within range gain 2 Attack Speed, caster's Boss Damage +42%, and the mana cost of the caster's skill is reduced by 100%
Cooldown: 220 sec
25 Mana Cost: 40, Spiritstone Duration: 70 sec, the Cursed Spiritstone grows more powerful with every 120 mana absorbed from the caster, and activates additional effects per stage when boosting Cursed Spiritstone (can be boosted up to 2 times)
[Basic Effect] Deals 600% damage to up to 15 enemies within range 3 times every 3 sec. Periodically restores 3% of Max HP/MP, Final Damage +4%, Status Resistance +25
[Boost Stage 1 Additional Effect] Boosts Basic Effect by 2x, party members within range gain 1 Attack Speed, caster's Boss Damage +45%, and the mana cost of the caster's skills is reduced by 50%
[Boost Stage 2 Additional Effect] Boosts Basic Effect by 3x, party members within range gain 2 Attack Speed, caster's Boss Damage +90%, and the mana cost of the caster's skill is reduced by 100%
Cooldown: 200 sec
30 Mana Cost: 40, Spiritstone Duration: 74 sec, the Cursed Spiritstone grows more powerful with every 120 mana absorbed from the caster, and activates additional effects per stage when boosting Cursed Spiritstone (can be boosted up to 2 times)
[Basic Effect] Deals 650% damage to up to 15 enemies within range 3 times every 3 sec. Periodically restores 4% of Max HP/MP, Final Damage +5%, Status Resistance +26
[Boost Stage 1 Additional Effect] Boosts Basic Effect by 2x, party members within range gain 1 Attack Speed, caster's Boss Damage +50%, and the mana cost of the caster's skills is reduced by 50%
[Boost Stage 2 Additional Effect] Boosts Basic Effect by 3x, party members within range gain 2 Attack Speed, caster's Boss Damage +100%, and the mana cost of the caster's skill is reduced by 100%
Cooldown: 196 sec
Active Liberated Spirit Circle
Master Level 25
Description Conjures a magic circle that releases spirits wrongfully sacrificed to perform evil spells. After 5 uses, you can call forth an even larger circle.
Unaffected by attack reflection.
You cannot summon the circle yourself. It is periodically activated when you use the following skills:
Shikigami Haunting and Vanquisher's Charm
Level 1 Mana Cost: 5, periodically summons a giant magic circle, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 150%, Number of Attacks: 15.
The magic circle will disappear either when it moves a certain distance or reaches the top of the map, and souls that deal 205% damage 15 times to 3 enemies will appear in up to 7 locations.
The giant magic circle summons souls in up to 11 locations.
Cooldown: 25 sec
25 Mana Cost: 5, periodically summons a giant magic circle, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 270%, Number of Attacks: 15.
The magic circle will disappear either when it moves a certain distance or reaches the top of the map, and souls that deal 325% damage 15 times to 3 enemies will appear in up to 7 locations.
The giant magic circle summons souls in up to 11 locations.
Cooldown: 25 sec
30 Mana Cost: 5, periodically summons a giant magic circle, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 295%, Number of Attacks: 15.
The magic circle will disappear either when it moves a certain distance or reaches the top of the map, and souls that deal 350% damage 15 times to 3 enemies will appear in up to 7 locations.
The giant magic circle summons souls in up to 11 locations.
Cooldown: 25 sec

Active Ghost Yaksha: Great Oni Lord's Legion
Master Level 25
Description [Shikigami Skill]
Open a portal to the underworld, calling forth the Great Lord himself to visit his wrath upon the wretched. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1 Mana Cost: 100 , invincible during casting and disarmament
Duration: 60 sec . Open a portal to the underworld, calling forth the Great Lord himself.
If a 4th or below Ghost Yaksha is dismissed, sacrifice will be accumulated according to the amount of time the ghost was summoned. If the accumulated sacrifice reaches 60 sec+ , the Great Lord can be summoned.
The Great Lord repeatedly attacks up to 15 enemies, for 494% damage, 5 time(s).
Upon re-using the skill, the portal will immediately close, and the Great Lord will perform his final attack, which attacks up to 15 enemies, for 890% damage,

15 time(s).
Cooldown: 180 sec.

15 time(s).
Cooldown: 180 sec.

15 time(s).
Cooldown: 180 sec.

Enhancements [ ]

The maximum level for Enhancements / Boost Nodes is 50 (60 with Matrix Points).

Final Damage Increase per level Skill Level 20 Effect Level 40 Effect
2% Shikigami Haunting Boost Critical Rate: +5% Ignored Enemy DEF: +20%
Ghost Yaksha Boss Boost Max Targets: +1
3% Kishin Shoukan Boost
2% Nightghost Guide Boost
5% Shikigami Charm Boost Critical Rate: +5%
Exorcist's Charm Boost
3% Tengu Strike Boost
Yosuzume Boost
2% Vanquisher's Charm Boost
Orochi Unbound Boost
Falling Sakura Boost Max Targets: +1
Binding Tempest Boost Critical Rate: +5%
Nine-Tailed Fury Boost
Shikigami Doppelganger Boost
Veritable Pandemonium Boost

HEXA Skills [ ]

Class-Specific Skills [ ]

Active Hakumenkonmou Juubi
Master Level 30
Description [Shikigami Skill] The bond between Kanna and Haku temporarily transforms Haku into a legendary figure.
When 10 sec pass or the skill activates again, a final blow activates. The final blow is enhanced based on the accumulated mana before activation after using the skill. (Max 500 stacks)

Mastery Skills [ ]

Active HEXA Shikigami Haunting
Master Level 30
Description [Spirit Walker Skill] Steadfast training has yielded true mastery of Shikigami Haunting, empowering the skill to its full might. Increases the attack power of Shikigami Haunting, as well as its range and the number of enemies hit.
After learning the 5th job skill Liberated Spirit Circle it is automatically activated if not on cooldown.
Required Skill: Shikigami Haunting IV Lv. 20
Level 1 [1st Hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 346%, Number of Attacks: 4
[2nd Hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 376%, Number of Attacks: 4
[3rd Hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 406%, Number of Attacks: 4, Mana Restored: 5, amount needed to activate Shikigami Doppelganger additionally increased by 5.
[Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 71%, Duration: 6 sec, Speed: -90%, Damage: 313% per sec.
30 [1st Hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 520%, Number of Attacks: 4
[2nd Hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 550%, Number of Attacks: 4
[3rd Hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 580%, Number of Attacks: 4, Mana Restored: 5, amount needed to activate Shikigami Doppelganger additionally increased by 5.
[Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 100%, Duration: 6 sec, Speed: -90%, Damage: 400% per sec.

Enhancements [ ]

Enhancements require the corresponding V Skill to be leveled to max and equipped. Final Damage bonuses from Enhancements increase linearly each level, with a jump at levels 10, 20, and 30.

Passive Yuki-musume Shoukan Boost
Master Level 30
Description Boosts Yuki-musume Shoukan.
Level 1 Yuki-musume Shoukan Final Damage: +11%
9 Yuki-musume Shoukan Final Damage: +19%
10 Yuki-musume Shoukan Final Damage: +25%
19 Yuki-musume Shoukan Final Damage: +34%
20 Yuki-musume Shoukan Final Damage: +40%
29 Yuki-musume Shoukan Final Damage: +49%
30 Yuki-musume Shoukan Final Damage: +60%
Passive Spirit's Domain Boost
Master Level 30
Description Boosts Spirit's Domain.
Level 1 Kanna's Boss Damage increases by additional 10% while receiving the effect of Spirit's Domain
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +3]
9 Kanna's Boss Damage increases by additional 13% while receiving the effect of Spirit's Domain
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +27]
10 Kanna's Boss Damage increases by additional 13% while receiving the effect of Spirit's Domain
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +30]
19 Kanna's Boss Damage increases by additional 16% while receiving the effect of Spirit's Domain
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +57]
20 Kanna's Boss Damage increases by additional 16% while receiving the effect of Spirit's Domain
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +60]
29 Kanna's Boss Damage increases by additional 19% while receiving the effect of Spirit's Domain
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +87]
30 Kanna's Boss Damage increases by additional 20% while receiving the effect of Spirit's Domain
[Passive Effect - All Stats: +90]
Passive Liberated Spirit Circle Boost
Master Level 30
Description Boosts Liberated Spirit Circle.
Level 1 Liberated Spirit Circle Final Damage: +11%
9 Liberated Spirit Circle Final Damage: +19%
10 Liberated Spirit Circle Final Damage: +25%
19 Liberated Spirit Circle Final Damage: +34%
20 Liberated Spirit Circle Final Damage: +40%
29 Liberated Spirit Circle Final Damage: +49%
30 Liberated Spirit Circle Final Damage: +60%
Passive Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss Boost
Master Level 30
Description Boosts Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss.
Level 1 Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss Final Damage: +11%
9 Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss Final Damage: +19%
10 Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss Final Damage: +25%
19 Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss Final Damage: +34%
20 Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss Final Damage: +40%
29 Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss Final Damage: +49%
30 Ghost Yaksha Bosses' Boss Final Damage: +60%

Beginner Link Skills

Game Master Guild Skills Miscellaneous Skills