BRSR – A New Avatar of ESG Reporting

BRSR Reporting is probably a new avatar to a legacy of other sustainability reports. Sustainability reporting was introduced to Indian businesses more than a decade ago. In 2011, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) released the National Voluntary Guidelines (NVG) on Social, Environmental, and Economic Responsibilities of Business and NVG aligned with the UN Millennium Development Goals (UNMDGs).Taking cue from the NVG, the Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) introduced the Business Responsibility Report (BRR) in 2012.

Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting – BRSR Reporting

The BRR is the first Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) regulatory disclosure framework in India – it precedes the current Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) requirements. BRR was based on NVG and was mandatory for the top 100 listed companies (by market capital). Gradually, the coverage of BRR increased, and in 2019 it became mandatory for the top 1000 listed companies. However, BRR’s relevance faded, owing to rapid global developments. Additionally, an NSE report (2018) revealed that the BRR Reports lacked quality, rendering the reporting unreliable. Hence, arose the need for a more robust and globally aligned reporting – enter the BRSR framework!

Realizing the issue, the MCA adopted the National Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC) in 2020. Subsequently, SEBI replaced BRR with Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR), formulated by an MCA committee on BRR.

Brief Timeline Of BRSR Reporting

Some Salient Points About BRSR Reporting Are –