Health & Benefits

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The Big Picture

A power of attorney (POA) for health care is a form that lets you choose a person to make health care decisions for you. The person you choose will then be able to make health care decisions for…

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Help ILAO open opportunities for justice Fill out the Power of Attorney for Health Care form

Fill out the form listed below:

Note: Do not sign the Power of Attorney for Health Care until Step 3. You do not need to make copies of this form until Step 4.

Print out the Power of Attorney for Health Care

After you have filled out the form, print out the document, then:

Sign the Power of Attorney for Health Care in front of a witness, and have the witness sign the form too

Next, you will need to find at least one witness. If possible, you should find two witnesses. The witness must be at least 18 years old and be mentally competent. Sign the form in front of the witness or witnesses, and ask the witness or witnesses to sign it too.

Effective January 1, 2024, electronic signatures are permitted in certain documents which create, exercise, release, or revoke a power of attorney. A notary or witness must be "electronically present" to electronically sign. Electronic presence could be over a video service like Zoom.

The witness must not be:

The person you give the power of attorney to is the agent and you are the principal. The agent is usually a spouse, a close friend, or a trusted relative.

The document does not have to be notarized. But it is a good idea to have it notarized if possible.

Give copies to the right people

Once the power of attorney is signed, make multiple copies. Give one copy to your primary medical doctor. Sometimes, your doctor will want the original. If they ask for the original, have them scan or copy it for your medical records and return the original to you.

Also, give copies to other health care providers who you see regularly. If you live in a nursing home or assisted living facility, give a copy to the administrator. If you go to the hospital, take a copy with you.

If you don't think your agent will need to use the power of attorney any time soon, keep the original and give your agent and each of your successor agents a copy. Be sure to tell your agent where to find the original. If you are already sick, or think your agent might need to use the power of attorney soon, you can give your agent the original, but be sure to keep a copy for yourself.

Use your power of attorney for health care

Your health care provider will contact your agent if you become too sick or injured to make your own decisions. Your agent must bring a copy of the power of attorney document to the health care provider treating you. The health care provider won't listen to your agent without the document.