Texas Durable (Statutory) Power of Attorney Form

Texas Durable Statutory Power of Attorney Form

A Texas durable power of attorney form appoints an agent to represent the principal’s financial interests. The agent’s decisions have the same legal weight as if the principal made them personally.

This designation remains effective until the principal’s demise or unless the principal specifically revokes it. The principal should select a trustworthy agent, such as a spouse, family member, or close friend, who can fulfill what’s best for the principal.



Durable Power of Attorney – Durable POA refers to a record, such as a written document, that complies with the requirements in § 751.0021 (§ 751.002(4)).

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Specific Powers and Limitations

Restrictions on Gifts and Transfers

§ 751.032 highlights the restrictions on and considerations for gifts and transfers. If the principal’s document doesn’t state otherwise, this section’s rules will limit the agent’s power to give gifts.

Types of Gifts
