Pipe Flow Expert Software User Guide - Reynolds Numbers

Reynolds numbers (Re) describe the relationship between a fluid's velocity, the internal pipe diameter and the fluid's Kinematic viscosity.

Reynolds number = Fluid velocity x Internal pipe diameter / Kinematic viscosity

Note: Kinematic viscosity (not Dynamic viscosity) must be used to calculate Reynolds numbers.

It is generally accepted that the 'changeover' point between laminar flow and turbulent flow, in a circular pipe, occurs when the Reynolds number (Re) is approximately 2100.

i.e. Laminar flow occurs when the Re is less than 2100. Turbulent flow occurs when the Re is greater than 4000. Between the Laminar and Turbulent flow conditions the flow may be neither wholly laminar nor wholly turbulent. In this transition region there is no exact equation to calculate the friction factor and therefore only an approximate friction factor can be used by way of appropriate interpolation.