Rehabilitation After a Hip Fracture

Rehabilitation is begun as soon as possible after hip fracture surgery , often within a day. The initial goals are to help people retain the level of strength they had before the fracture (by keeping them mobile and by preventing loss of muscle tone) and to prevent problems that result from bed rest . The ultimate goal is to restore their ability to walk as well as they were able to before the fracture. (See also Overview of Rehabilitation .)

Even before people start doing rehabilitation exercises, people are encouraged to try to get out of bed to a chair with assistance. Sitting reduces the risk of pressure sores and blood clots and eases the transition to standing. They are taught to do daily exercises to strengthen the trunk and arm muscles and are sometimes taught exercises to strengthen the large muscles of both legs. Usually within the first day after surgery, they are encouraged to stand on the uninjured leg, often with the assistance of another person or while holding onto a chair or a bed rail. While doing these exercises, people are directed to touch only the tips of the toes of the injured leg to the floor. Putting their full weight on the injured leg is often encouraged on the second day after surgery but depends on the kind of fracture and repair.

Just the Right Height

For people who are recovering from a leg injury or surgery, using a cane that is the correct height is important. A cane that is too long or too short can cause low back pain, poor posture, and instability. The cane should be held on the side opposite of an injured leg.